Compliance Security & Reliability

Trust Center

Security, performance, and reliability are woven into every aspect of Propel.

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Built on a foundation of Trust
At Propel, we understand the importance of earning and maintaining your trust. That's why security is a cornerstone of everything we do. Your product and quality data stored in Propel is your intellectual property, and we take this responsibility seriously. We've built our solutions and processes with a singular focus: keeping your information safe and secure.
View Propels certifications, policies and tools that allow corporations to maintain compliance.
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Minimize your validation burden while leveraging Propel’s extensive testing & documentation with best-practice processes on a best-in-class platform.
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SOC 2 Type II
The SOC 2 report covers Propel’s service commitments and system requirements that are achieved based on the trust services criteria.
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ISO 9001, 13485 & 27001
Support customers being compliant with quality management system and data storage requirements. To learn more about ISO.
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FDA CFR part 11 of Title 21
Support customers in meeting the regulation of electronic records and electronic signatures (ERES) for life science companies.
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Gov Cloud / ITAR
Propel is certified to run on the Salesforce Government Cloud, allowing public sector organizations to innovate securely and compliantly.
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Privacy Policy
Our Privacy Policy describes what personal information Propel collects and how that personal information is used.
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Data Retention
We are committed to transparency about your data. Giving you options for backing up your data, in addition to replication upon commit.
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Maintaining Certifications to Validate Compliance

Soc 2 Type II

Propel’s compliance certificate for SOC 2 Type 11 is relevant to security set forth in TSP 100, 2017 Trust ServicesCriteria for Security, Availability, Processing Integrity, Confidentiality, and Privacy (With Revised Implementation Guidance—2022) (AICPA, Trust Services Criteria). Report is available upon request from your sales representative.

ISO 9001, 13485 & 27001

For customers who need ISO 9001 and or ISO 13485 our quality management system meets the requirements that allow you to apply for your certification.  In addition our solution is built on a platform that meets the ISO 27001 standard for data storage requirements, ensuring that your data is secure. The certificates provided by our platform can be found here.

Government Cloud

Propel is certified to run on the Salesforce Government Cloud to allow public sector organizations to innovate securely and compliantly. The Salesforce GovCloud has been designed to provide the US government and government contractors with privacy and high levels of performance, reliability, and security while helping them meet authorizations such as IRS 1075, FedRAMP High, and DoD Impact Levels.

Backups & Disaster Recovery

Propel has replication built into our platform, automating the backup and recovery of data. In addition, we recommend customers to develop a data and metadata backup plan as part of their overall security model. This protects customers from data loss due to any number of reasons from data center failure, human error, disaster, or malware attacks. A backup allows you to get your org back up and running quickly, minimizing downtime and potential business interruption.
Regulated Industries
Product companies in regulated industries must be compliant to be successful. Critical processes of change, document, and quality management require regulatory compliance. Validation is a necessary burden.
What You Get
User and Functional Requirements, Risk and Impact Assessments, Test Plans, IQ Test Cases, OQ Test Cases, OQ Execution & Objective Evidence, PQ Templates, Validation Report, Status Summary, Requirements Trace Matrix.
Use Case
Our FDA CFR part 11 of Title 21 and pt 820 solution is focused on ease of use and efficient completion. Reduce your risk with a risk based approach, that is directed by FDA guidance. Avoid burden of on-prem upgrades, receive continuous benefit from Propel's innovations.
Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve got you covered. Find answers to common questions related to security.  

What is your deployment model?
Propel runs natively on the Salesforce platform which is a cloud based SaaS solution that is deployed globally.
Does your company have documented Information Security Policies?
Yes, you can find them at
Is Propel Soc 2 compliant?
Yes, Propel is Soc 2 Type II compliant. The report is available upon request.
What is the data backup frequency?
Propel is on a platform that is replicated across multiple locations at the time of data commit. Users have additional free and paid options to create backups that can easily be restored.
What is Propel's uptime?
You can find up to date information on Propels status page,
How do I get reports?
There is built in reporting and analytics with all levels of Propel. For users that want additional options, Tableau is a part of the same platform and there are third party solutions on the app store.
What database technologies are used in the back-end?
A big advantage of Propel is being built on top of the salesforce platform. With built in security, global search, reporting, analytics, communication, authentication, and AI, we can focus on solving your business problem.
Is there any data stored locally?
Propel is cloud native SaaS product that does not store any data locally on a users computer.
Do you have a Quality Manual?
Yes, Propel has a comprehensive quality manual as a part of our quality management system. It is available upon request.
Does Propel allow me to be ISO 9001 compliant?
Yes, our quality management system provides customers what they need to meet the requirements of ISO 9001 compliance.