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Global Data Synchronization Network (GDSN)

Quick Definition

The Global Data Synchronization Network (GDSN) allows trading partners—including manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers, and retailers—to securely share and access standardized product information pools.

What is the Global Data Synchronization Network (GDSN)?

The Global Data Synchronization Network (GDSN) is an integrated network of interoperable data pools and a global registry that enables companies around the world to exchange standardized and synchronized product information in real time. This powerful network supports a wide array of sectors, including retail, healthcare, food service, and ecommerce, ensuring that accurate, up-to-date product data is consistently available throughout the entire supply chain.

How the GDSN Works

Data Pools and the GS1 Global Registry

The foundation of GDSN is the certified data pool. Each data pool provider in the GDSN must meet rigorous standards for data quality and interoperability. These data pools allow trading partners—manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, and retailers—to maintain, validate, and exchange product data such as price, size, and description. The GS1 Global Registry serves as the central directory within the GDSN, facilitating the efficient exchange of data by ensuring all participants are referencing the same items in the same way.

GS1 Standards

GDSN utilizes GS1 standards to maintain a universal language for global commerce. These standards include the Global Product Classification (GPC), the Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) for products, and the Global Location Number (GLN) for legal entities, which act as essential identifiers in the network. GS1 GDSN standards help ensure that each item and entity is uniquely and universally recognized, which is critical for managing item data across different markets and languages.

Product Information Management (PIM) Solutions

Master data represents the core set of product attributes required for conducting business. This data includes GTIN, GLN, dimensions, weights, and pricing, among other details. Companies use Product Information Management (PIM) systems to manage this master data, ensuring it is accurate and up-to-date before synchronizing it across the GDSN. This synchronization aids in minimizing manual processes and errors, thereby enhancing the overall user experience.

Benefits of GDSN

Real-Time Data Exchange

GDSN enables real-time data exchange between all parties in the supply chain. This immediacy ensures that product catalogs and pricing information are always current, which is crucial for ecommerce platforms and physical stores alike, where pricing and product availability can change dynamically.

Data Quality and Validation

The network employs standardized procedures for data validation to ensure the accuracy and quality of the data exchanged. This results in higher data reliability, reducing discrepancies and disputes between trading partners and facilitating smoother transactions.

Efficiency and Cost Reduction

By reducing the dependency on manual processes and disparate data management systems, GDSN helps organizations cut costs and improve operational efficiency. For instance, accurate barcodes that comply with GS1 standards can be scanned seamlessly worldwide, reducing errors and saving time during checkout processes.

Enhanced Compliance and Traceability

For sectors like healthcare and food service, where compliance with regulations is critical, GDSN provides an essential service. It ensures that all product content meets local and international legal requirements and helps in tracking products throughout the supply chain—from production to point-of-sale.

Implementing GDSN in Business Operations

To participate in the GDSN, a company must subscribe to a GDSN-certified data pool such as 1WorldSync. These providers offer tools and support for integrating with the network, including training sessions and webinars. Once connected, businesses can send and receive product information through the GDSN by publishing their product data to the data pool, which then synchronizes this information across the network.


The Global Data Synchronization Network is a crucial component of modern supply chain management, facilitating the global exchange of reliable product information. By leveraging the GDSN, companies can ensure that their product details are consistent and accessible by all partners in the network, thus improving efficiency, reducing costs, and enhancing compliance across global markets. As global trade continues to expand and digital channels become increasingly dominant, the role of GDSN in supporting seamless and efficient business transactions will only grow more significant.